
EC North Carolina News

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Which political committees received the most in contributions during week ending May 22?

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Here are the 50 political committees that received the largest amount of money from contributions during the week ending May 22, according to the North Carolina State Board of Elections.

Donations made to political groups or candidates must be disclosed under state law for greater transparency in elections. While Congress created the Federal Election Commission to oversee federal elections in 1974, each state is left to regulate its local elections.

Data collected on Sept. 4 from the Board of Elections.

CommitteeTotalAverage contribution amount
North Carolina Republican Party$41,019$2,279
Josh Stein for Attorney General$34,127$1,706
Johnson for Sheriff$24,150$2,683
Employees Political Action Committee$16,953$3
Friends of Tim Moore$14,000$4,667
John Bell Committee$12,776$983
Alan G Cloninger for Sheriff$10,200$204
Philip E Berger Committee$9,685$1,614
Guilford Republican Party$9,367$302
Trey Allen for Justice$9,036$1,129
Lucy Inman for Justice$8,081$1,347
Committee to Elect Michael J Stading District Court Judge$7,775$324
Stokes Republican Party$7,311$57
Friends of Kelly Hastings$7,048$207
North Carolina Democratic Leadership Committee (NCDLC)$7,000$1,750
Cooper for North Carolina$6,246$58
North Carolina Realtors PAC$5,873$101
Jim Perry Committee$5,651$706
Carolina Federation PAC$5,600$5,600
Committee to Elect Julee Flood$5,600$5,600
James Atlas McVicker$5,500$289
Mecklenburg Republican Party$5,283$211
North Carolina Republican Party Building Fund$5,125$641
Vote Outling$4,775$597
Friends of Mark Robinson$4,541$284
North Carolina Auto Dealers Association PAC$4,000$2,000
Committee to Elect Greg Seabolt Sheriff$3,972$306
Citizens to Elect Jerry Carter$3,704$43
Montgomery Republican Party$3,550$507
Committee to Elect Roy Taylor Sheriff$3,300$1,100
Wake Republican Party$3,245$42
Wncfreedom2020 Committee$3,150$143
Beaufort Republican Party$2,950$184
Committee to Elect Travis Allen Sheriff$2,750$67
Jimmy Dixon for HD 4$2,750$1,375
Cynthia for North Carolina$2,690$269
Sweet Union Republican Women$2,605$54
North Carolina Hospital Association PAC$2,592$162
Craven Republican Women$2,579$63
5th Cong Dist Republican Party$2,500$2,500
Dave Craven for North Carolina$2,500$625
Dean ARP for North Carolina House$2,500$1,250
Health Network Solutions PAC$2,500$2,500
Damon Chetson for Wake DA$2,270$568
North Carolina Association of Nurse Anesthetists PAC$2,250$55
Beaufort County Republican Party Building Fund$2,100$420
Chris Humphrey Committee$2,000$2,000
North Carolina Outdoor Advertising Association PAC$2,000$1,000
Guilford County Republican Party Building Account$1,950$1,950