
EC North Carolina News

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Who voted in Central City of Kinston: Precinct Kinston-4 during 2020 Presidential Election?

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U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

As we approach the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, a review of the 2020 voting patterns in Central City of Kinston: Precinct Kinston-4 can provide valuable insights. In the contest between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, 2,062 of the 2,877 residents cast their ballots, resulting in a 71.7% turnout, according to the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE).

The voting breakdown in Central City of Kinston: Precinct Kinston-4 reveals 957 votes supporting Republicans, making up 46.4% of the total, and 1,084 votes for Democrats, representing 52.6% of the votes, highlighting the precinct's political preferences.

Overall, 815 registered voters in Central City of Kinston: Precinct Kinston-4 did not vote in 2020.

Additionally, there were a total of 2,877 residents in the 18+ age group in Central City of Kinston: Precinct Kinston-4.

The NCSBE oversees elections and campaign finance disclosure in the state.

In October 2023, North Carolina passed a series of laws that will change how elections are administered in the state. The laws include changes to absentee ballot counting, private funding for elections, and voter rolls. The bill is also aimed at eliminating the governor’s power to appoint the State Board of Elections and transfer it to legislative leaders.

2020 Voter Participation in Central City of Kinston: Precinct Kinston-4
NameAddressVoted/Didn't Vote
Aaliyah Mechelle Tolbert2110 Michelle Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Aaron Benjamin Yarus1607 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Aaron Bradley Rouse1904 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Aaron Xavier Taylor2307 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Abby Davis1703 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Acqua M. Poole2008 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Adam Bennett Burkett1903 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Addie Harrison Duke1210 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Adeisy Guerrero1303 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Adnan Saleh Al-Ashmali1307 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Adrian Michael Lapas2200 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Adriane Nicole Opharrow1605 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Adrienne Jarman Evans1906 Eleanor Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Aidan Matthew Maune1211 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Akeem Deonte Branch1215 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Alan Nageeb Kirollos1804 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Aldo Rolando Jimenez1205 Woodberry Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Alec William Rouse1605 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alex Leaverne Maness2008 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alexander James Faulkner3304 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alexander Lee Parham1800 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alexandra Kay Wilson1206 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
Aleysia Morgan1408 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alfreda Marie Carmon3206 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alice Hussey Outlaw2136 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alice Lee Kornegay-McIver2102 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alice Marie Poole3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alice Parham Bunn2400 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alice Starr Tingle2001 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alicia Heath Lapas2200 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alicia Michelle Dixon-Taylor2307 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alison Albritton Merritt1914 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Aliza Grace Matthews1804 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Allan Ware Turner2104 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Allen Odell Kittrell1109 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Allie Stainback Warnock1205 Barbara Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Allisa Grace Vermillion1705 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Allison Brady McNairy1300 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Allison Turner Jones2211 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alonzo Daleshaun Ratliff1100 Margaret Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Alonzo James Singleton1805 Sedgefield Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alton Earl Ellis2140 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alton Lamont Johnson1706 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alton Ray Wiggins1303 Par Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alton Sutton2300 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alvin Darius Dove3220 Jennifer Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alvina Nelsondra Tindley2906 Colonial Circle, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alvis Monroe Rogers1602 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Alyssa Marie Corey1609 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Alyssa Rachelle Bayless2108 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Amanda Annette Davis2900 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Amanda Denise Hill1905 Pawnee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Amanda F. Sutton1504 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Amanda Michelle Spear1603 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Amanda Moore Stephens2211 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Amanda Oakley Hort3143 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Amanda Poole Albritton1702 Oxford Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Amanda Ruth Hodges1404 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Amber Adrienne May1902 Pawnee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Amber Elizabeth Staup1219 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Amel Samir Ali2205 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Amy Elizabeth Whitfield1300 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Amy Jo Cioffi1202 Barbara Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Amy Owens Davis1703 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Andre Gerrod Jones3204 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Andrea Gay Tyndall1400 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Andrew Earl Duppstadt3100 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Andrew Michael Maune1211 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Anetriss Latrell Williams2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Angel Washington1905 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Angela Barwick Fader1701 Kent Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Angela D. Thomas2202 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Angela Dean Garris2201 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Angela Faye Williams2315 Corey Court, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Angela Jean Kirkman2303 Baxter Lane, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Angela Maria Bowie2295 Baxter Lane, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Angela Michelle Cimino-Locklear1906 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Angela Nicole Mumford2317 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Angela Regina Darden2130 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Angela Starkey Vaughn2211 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Angelia Chapman Locust3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Angelica Maria Cortes2312 Corey Court, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Anita Ragland Watson1904 York Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Anita Yvette Jackson3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Anita Yvonne Compton3212 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Aniyah Jalen Hightower3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ann Adams Hardee2701 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ann Burroughs Telford1301 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Ann Curtis Laws1306 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Ann Hardee Batt1506 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ann Jackson Gold1907 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ann Victoria Poor2117 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Anna Marie Keith2205 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Anna Whitlow Brown1102 Woodberry Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Annabelle Pamela Barnes1603 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Anne Mitchell Warner1408 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Anne Moseley Hill2203 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Annetta Devon Patrick2203 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Annette Webb Turik1902 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Annette White Richardson3139 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Annie Frances Branch-Brock1605 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Annie Kelly Midgette1901 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Annie Lee Randolph1215 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Annie Louise Cox1108 Parrott Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Annie Mae Purvis2311 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Annie Marie Jordan1210 Meadowood Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Annie Mcotter Bowden1604 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Annie Queen Bennings1708 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Annie Ruth Kornegay1502 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Annie Sue Jones2706 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Anthony Davis2902 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Anthony Doneir Cherry2500 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Anthony Dwyane White2109 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Anthony Kennedy1105 Oriental Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Anthony William Gervasi1210 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Antionette Patterson Edwards1906 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Antoinette Yvette Hall2504 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Antonio Carter3228 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Antonio Cordell Perry3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Antonio Maurice Hardy1105 Perry Woods Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
April Bernadette Moore2301 Baxter Lane, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
April Denise Uzzell3202 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
April Nicole West3224 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
April Sabrina Morgan1408 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Armistead Burwell Mauck1502 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Arnecia Selby1909 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Arnette Chapman Dunn2906 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ashia Noel Davis1207 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ashley Ann Lucas1751 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ashley Cameron Mills1109 Parrott Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Ashley Elizabeth Shivar2109 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ashley Marie Avery3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ashley Nicole Miller3300 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ashtin Brooke Gray Burkett1903 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Asma Taher Alhidami1303 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Austin Chance Langston1403 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Austin Reid Howard1204 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Autumn Caroline Lee2112 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ava Privette Cooke2000 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Ayla Raquel Dixon1911 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Babi Zyonesty Docher3105 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Barbara Ann Koonce2335 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Barbara Ann Williams2105 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Barbara Crouell Kenyear2302 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Barbara Davidson Kennedy1105 Oriental Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Barbara Elizabeth Elden1600 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Barbara Faye Whitfield1905 Oxford Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Barbara Harrison Smith2109 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Barbara Hatch Dillahunt2403 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Barbara Johnson Perry1601 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Barbara Jordan Rhew1913 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Barbara Koonce Williams1409 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Barry Howard Carter2003 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Barry Lee Baxter1306 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Beady Barnes Hall3300 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Becky Odham Berry1406 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Becky Sue Derderian1702 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Belinda Newsome Huggins1601 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ben Burcham Harper1404 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Benjamin Carver Street2302 Corey Court, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Benjamin Charles Harper1302 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Benjamin Hugh Metts2505 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Benjamin Michael Hendrix2000 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Benjamin Thomas Riley1605 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Bennie R. Smith1704 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Bernard Cannon2201 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Berry Anne Pittman2303 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Bertram Jack Pearson1905 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Bessie Faulks Maxwell1204 Woodberry Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Bessie Grady Almond2503 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Bessie Hill Hooks2010 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Bessie Yvonne Hooker1608 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Beth Kennedy Edwards1803 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Beth S. Maness2008 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Betsy Allen Barmore2103 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Betsy Foster Shaver2301 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Bettie Louise Cobb2315 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Betty Brock Anderson1306 Par Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Betty Bruce Lawson1903 Stewart Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Betty Hill Valenti3212 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Betty Jean Carlyle2206 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Betty Jean Lowe2304 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Betty Lou Trimboli2209 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Betty Lou Waller3141 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Betty Mae Moore2505 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Betty Noble McDevett1910 York Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Betty Ruth Byrd2125 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Beverly A. Davis2902 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Beverly Barnes Haynes1901 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Beverly Durham3305 Evelyn Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Beverly Outlaw Jenkins2103 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Billy W. Waller3141 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Blaine Recardo Hargett3205 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Blake Spencer Rouse1600 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Bobby Ethelle Thompson1613 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Bodell Heath2134 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Bonita Denise Murrell2904 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Bonnie Blevins Sullivan1900 Sedgefield Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Bonnie Daniels Lucas1751 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Bradley Bates Chapman1106 Margaret Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Bradley Chase MacKey1602 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Bradley Sutton Elmore2103 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Bradley Warnock1205 Barbara Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Brandi Graham2302 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brandi Holloman2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brandon Michael Zoltek2000 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brandon Thomas1303 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Brelinda Tridinia Banks3202 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brenda Faye Moore2301 Baxter Lane, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brenda Faye Williams3307 Jennifer Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brenda Hill Eubanks2404 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brenda Irving Sawyer2308 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brenda Kay Smith3118 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brenda Kluttz Canup1409 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brenda Mclamb Jones2208 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brenda Parham1800 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brenda Sue Warren2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brenda Sutton Bussard2147 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brenda Wetherington Merritt3220 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brian Andrew Donovan1801 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brian Cornell Manuel1606 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brian Franklin Whitley1805 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brian Keith Burks1217 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brianna Nicole Phillips3222 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Britany Leanne Ivey3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brittaney Lariesha Holmes3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brittany Ireland2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brittany Severson Harrison1609 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brittany Shanai Roberts2319 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Brittany Tiaira Teach-Lizzmore1204 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Bruce Glenn Adams2207 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Bryan Clark Hanks1615 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Bryan Maxwell Johnson1702 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Bryan West Connor1209 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Bryant Lee Cox1108 Parrott Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Bryant Poole3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cailyn Lillie Kennedy1105 Oriental Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Caitlyn Kass McCarter2103 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Caleb Alan Turik1902 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Caleb Edward Minshew1906 Stewart Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Cameron Hill Pope1907 Stewart Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Cameron Woody McRae1602 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Caren Kass McCarter2103 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carl Grady2204 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carl Lewis Haynes1901 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carl Leyvester Brewer1509 Perry Park Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Carl Reginald Banks1206 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carleton del Nix2203 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carlos Diaz Torrencee1203 W Highland Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Carlos Enrique Jimenez Pozo3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carlos Perez Dodd1909 Essex Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carly Hightower Wiggins1207 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Carmen Ana Seguinot1304 Ridge Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carmon Clapp Jones1600 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carol Griffin Irvin1906 Essex Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carol Howard Hughes3148 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carol Turner Stainback3111 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Carol Waldrop Harper1200 Worthington Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Carole Holmes Jarrell3115 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Caroline Hill Perry1104 Walker Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Caroline Jones Lanier1203 Barbara Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Caroline Joyce Bhotiwihok1910 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carolyn Alisers Fletcher1204 Meadowood Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Carolyn Brown1606 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carolyn Diane Simon3150 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carolyn Hunt Burks1217 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carolyn Johnson Baker2103 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carolyn Marie Kornegay1703 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carolyn Scott Mallard1713 Windsor Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carolyn Wiggins Dawson1904 Stewart Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Carrie Dale Avera Purnell2101 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carrie Juliette Dudley1401 Surry Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carrie Louise Cannon2302 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Carson Shaw Shepard1219 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Casey Nicole Sauls1201 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
Cassandra Canady3301 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cassandra Michele Cummings2138 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Catherine Carroll Lamphere2313 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Catherine Greer Martinsen3305 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Catherine Marie Sale1611 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Catherine W. Jarman2501 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Catherine Walker Norris2005 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cathy Jones Goodman1505 Surry Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cathy Marie Holder1902 Essex Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Catrina Faye Foy2309 Baxter Lane, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cecil Thomas Chapman2201 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cecilia Butler1211 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cecilia Desiree Roberson1208 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Chamekka Dupree Williams1704 Windsor Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Chanelle Adrianna Thomas1602 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Chanice Yolander Roberts3149 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Chantelle Dereese Henderson3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Charlene Taylor Gage1907 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Charles Anthony Allen2309 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Charles Bradford Albritton1702 Oxford Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Charles Clinton Rouse1701 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Charles Edward Miller2400 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Charles Edward Taylor1108 Margaret Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Charles Harden Upton1907 Essex Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Charles Henry Classen2007 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Charles James Bryan1109 Walker Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Charles Leon Williams3307 Jennifer Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Charles Leonidas Herring1203 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Charles Marion Parrott1406 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Charles Norman Athey1214 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Charles Robert Means1101 Walker Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Charles Russell Brown2100 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Charlotte Dawson Wiggins1303 Par Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Charlotte Renee Howard1609 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Charmaine Louise Hansel2307 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Charmine Daley3226 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cheimere Renee Moore2714 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Chelsea Brynn Hurley1305 Perry Park Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Chenetta Gardner Sheppard1204 Ruffin Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cheryl Ann Kabot2306 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cheryl Davis Walker1905 Stewart Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Cheryl Mayo Malone1103 Meadowood Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Cheryl Robinson Thompson2110 Michelle Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Chris Alan Axelberg2008 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Chrishana Wilson1900 Pawnee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Christian Hayes Smith1213 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Christina Lee Clark-Zoltek2000 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Christine Byrd Koonce1103 Margaret Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Christopher Alan Rogerson2331 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Christopher Anthony Hilliard3303 Evelyn Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Christopher Bell1914 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Christopher Collins Moore1302 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Christopher Ernest Thompson1909 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Christopher Lawrence Briest3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Christopher Maurice Tanner1507 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Christopher Michael Evans1903 Essex Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Christopher Michael Kalamon3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Christopher Ray Marshburn2307 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Christopher Sherod Abraham3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Christy Lekita Branch1215 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Christybell Hodges2501 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Chuc Huynh1607 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Chuck Willis Griffin3305 Jennifer Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cindy Louise Mingin2202 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Claire Paris1403 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Claire Whitfield Edwards1909 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Clara Jo Hill3129 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Clara Johnson George2002 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Clarence Allen Kornegay2712 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Claretha Dawson Vaughn1907 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Claude Agnes Westbrook2306 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Claude Randolph1215 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Clayton Dwight Howard1703 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cleveland Marquise Banks3202 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Clifton Forrest West Parrott1202 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Clifton Lawrence Malone1103 Meadowood Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Clifton McCoy3300 Jennifer Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Clifton Randolph Hood2126 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Clifton Roy Manuel1606 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Clinton Wimberly1903 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Coleman Jenkins Dance2107 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Colleen Lynn Munkel2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Colon Ray Henderson1902 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Connie Maish Cousins1701 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Connie Nobles Mintz1205 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Constance Toles Jennings1407 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cora Peebles Mattocks2204 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Corey Bengamin Moore2169 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Corey Chen2403 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Cornell Hay2309 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cortez Rodrigus Hooker1608 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Courtenay Peyton Glover1413 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Courtney Elizabeth Stewart2102 Michelle Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Courtney Perkins Johnson1702 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Craig Randolph Mills3103 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Curtis Leon Joyner2315 Corey Court, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Curtis Martin Baker1900 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cynthia Belvedere Stevens3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cynthia Brown Howard1205 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
Cynthia Cogdell Cajuste3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cynthia Hicks Croom2704 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cynthia Jones Faggins1211 W Highland Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Cynthia Oliver Mallard1702 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cynthia Pickett3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cynthia Rochelle Dodd1909 Essex Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cynthia Sporn Jeffcott2112 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Cynthia Washington Spight2135 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dacie Elaine Edwards1707 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Daisey L. P. Swinson2501 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Dal Floyd Wooten1805 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dale Michael Delaney1906 Sedgefield Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dallas Joe Knight3230 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Damian Chibueze Ogbaugo3215 Jennifer Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Damien Michael Locklear2100 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dana Conner Laws1604 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dana Marlyn Page1900 Stewart Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Dana Sutton Marshburn3018 Johnson Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Daniel Elijah Perry1902 Holding Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Daniel Holmes1800 Windsor Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Daniel James Irvin1906 Essex Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Daniel Kingsbury Sale1611 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Daniel Sharpe Owens2900 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Daniel Webster Rice1607 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Daniel Williams1100 Oriental Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Danielle Kristen Ratliff1104 Perry Woods Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Daniqua Danee Davis3208 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Danny Lee Webb1601 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Darrell Lamonte Chapman3160 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Darren Dishon Parker2131 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Darryl Lenore Tindley2906 Colonial Circle, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Daryl Maurice Dudley2303 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dashawn Lavan Moore1209 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dauana Campbell Campbell2177 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dave Marshburn1908 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
David Alvin Ratliff1104 Perry Woods Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
David Bradford Culbreth2107 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
David Carroll Martinsen3305 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
David Christopher Edwards2105 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
David Daniel Sale1611 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
David Daquan Cornelius3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
David Earl Wilfong1214 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
David Eugene Winstead1800 Windsor Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
David Evans May1902 Pawnee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
David Lee Davis1703 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
David Lee Richardson2110 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
David Lee Wiggins1207 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
David Mark Pope1907 Stewart Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
David Ray Carter3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
David Richard Williams1802 Sedgefield Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
David Russell Brody2201 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
David Ryan Boutwell3017 Johnson Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dawn Elizabeth Harper1404 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dawn Overcash Rowland1111 Walker Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Dayle Yvonne Pond1204 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
De'Shaun Miguel Kee2169 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Deborah Burkett Johnson3137 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Deborah Cave Herbert2103 Michelle Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Deborah Edwards Reeves3140 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Deborah Ervin Carroll2001 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Deborah Head Moody1706 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Deborah Huggins Askew1706 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Deborah Jean Avery2164 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Deborah Johnson Russell1706 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Deborah Lynn Sykes1404 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Debra Gean Gastmeyer1502 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Debra R. Chused1700 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Deidre Calnita Super1218 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Deidre Kirsten Sharpe-Cox1201 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Delcia Faye Ward3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Deloris Dawson2114 Michelle Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Deloris Mitchell1613 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Deloris Russell Griffin2308 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Delphine Ward2141 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Delton Lavonta Pitts1601 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Delvecchio Andreas Clark1610 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Demareae Nyjere Swinson1803 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Demond K. Pugh2006 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Denis Ray Rhodes3147 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Denise Faith Jenks2156 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Denise Moore1209 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Denise Vontil Moore1209 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dennis Chadwick Howard2301 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dennis Christopher Peay1912 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dennis Joseph Boykin1503 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Dennis Morgan3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dennis Morgan1408 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Desha Shanice Hall3202 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Destiny Nicole Washington1604 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Deven Marcus Andrew Thomas2202 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Devin Omar Bradshaw2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dexter Glenn Roberts2319 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Diamond J. Ramsey2320 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Diamond T'keyla Washington1604 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Diana Artis Brown2308 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Diane Bryant3144 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Diane Elizabeth Thompson2205 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Diane Michelle Spear1603 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Dianne Reide Stadiem1109 Margaret Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Diasheila Mekell Moore3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dion Delvecchio Turnage1905 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dirickson Ayres Griffith1703 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dixie Lee Jernigan2100 Michelle Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dixie Marie Burcham1404 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dolores Jean Thomas2305 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dolores M. Callender3309 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dolphus Ray Marshburn2100 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dominic Alan Rybolt1801 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dominick Daquawan Parham1800 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Don William Jackson2162 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Donald Anthony Rouse3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Donald Bernard Boldt1700 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Donald Earl Fader1701 Kent Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Donald Ellsworth Deveau1801 Sunset Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Donald Joseph Lingg2105 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Donald Tingen Coley1504 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Donald Wilson Lockamy1904 Holding Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Donna Ebert Henderson1909 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Donna Elizabeth Martin2162 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Donna Fandel Wilfong1214 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Donna K. Stapleford-Cannon1500 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Donna Williams Raney2309 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Donna Woodell Batten1605 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Donnie Ray Elmore3302 Evelyn Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Donovan Bryan Williams1100 Oriental Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Donya Faith Alston1614 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dorian Rashaud Edwards2111 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Doris Ann Reynolds3146 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Doris Ann Waters2504 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Doris Annette Silver3306 Evelyn Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Doris Elizabeth Williams1804 Windsor Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Doris Geraldine Hardy1903 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dorothy Adams Carroll1206 W Highland Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
Dorothy Alisa Green3207 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dorothy Ann Manny1702 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dorothy Burkett Whaley2008 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Dorothy Faye Moore3117 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dorothy Greer Holt3008 Johnson Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Douglas Alan Conner1511 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Douglas Alan Conner1209 Meadowood Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Douglas Antionio Jones2214 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Douglas Mcgee Redding2303 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dylan Rasberry Cobb1210 Ruffin Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Dylan Travis Thomas Fisher1911 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Edward Allen O'Neal1802 Oxford Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Edward Durelle Cannon1500 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Edward Morris Harper2606 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Edwin Carmelo Seguinot1304 Ridge Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Edwin Cook Norcross2503 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Edwin Warren Berry1406 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Efriem Ahroon Bekerman1704 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Elaine Allsbrook Nix2203 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Elaine Marker3123 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Elayshia Ranika Johnson2304 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Elizabeth Ann Chantry1708 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Elizabeth Ann Sabiston Rouse1600 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Elizabeth B. Griffin1305 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Elizabeth Brisco Owens2900 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Elizabeth Dixon2307 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Elizabeth Dunn Faulkner3304 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Elizabeth Estelle Marshburn2100 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Elizabeth Euwer Deveau1801 Sunset Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Elizabeth Grady Taylor3156 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Elizabeth Holt Hartford1219 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Elizabeth Ivey Motts1902 York Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Elizabeth Mcphail Crisp3302 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Elizabeth P. Worthington1711 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Elizabeth S. Greene1110 Walker Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Ella Hines Suggs1202 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Ella Johnson-West3302 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ellen B. Johnson1804 Marshburn Circle, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Elsie Ray Bruton-McGee3303 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Eltoray Arensco Grady1912 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
Ely Jackson Perry1104 Walker Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Emad Samir Mohamed Ali2205 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Emilee Jan Irsik3106 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Emily Dawson Davis1708 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Emily Dough Cooke1103 Perry Woods Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Emily Nelson Exum2109 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Emily Riley Hoffman1801 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Emily Warren Rose1500 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Emma Caroline Herlong1212 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Endres Brenardia Smith1412 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Eric Jayquan Tremaine Wright3222 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Erica Denise Roberts3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Erich Hans Peter Bluhm2112 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Erika Chymaine Whitley2200 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Erika Elizabeth Reinschild1910 Sedgefield Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Erin Brinson Passailaigue1107 Parrott Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Ervin Nelson Pratt1001 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Essie Patricia O'Neal2139 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Esther Faye Daniels1804 Windsor Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ethel Deloise Brown2107 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ethel Denise Simmons2204 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Eulonda Felice Dawson3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Eva Perkins Hewitt2316 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Eva Warnett Davis1910 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Evelyn Joyce Tyson1307 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Evelyn Rider Mozingo2405 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Excell Jones2207 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Faith Shipp Pearson1601 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Faye Fitzgerald Curtis1207 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Faylene Faison3150 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Felecia Danielle Lynch2311 Corey Court, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Feletia Smith Lipford2315 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Felicia Dunn Burks3302 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Felicia Jenell Rambert2334 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Felicia Latrice Small1202 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Fernando Armando Escabi-Mendez1703 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Florence Elizabeth Perry2310 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Floyd Allen Moody1600 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Floyd Vance Andrews3302 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Frances Ann Gooding1701 Sunset Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Frances Davis Allison2002 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Frances Hatcher Fuller1305 Ridge Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Frances Jackson Herring1201 Worthington Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Frances Rodriguez Rivera1703 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Francine Veronica Harvey3124 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Francis Carroll Daniels2308 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Francis Marion Mellette1401 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Frank Sabiston1304 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Frank Thomas Smith1412 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Frankie Knott Johnson1303 Perry Park Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Franklin Delano Blackwell2340 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Franklin Henderson3301 Jennifer Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Fred Michael Butts2320 Baxter Lane, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gabriel Robert Braswell1603 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gabrielle Denise Rucker3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gary Franklin Nobles1506 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Gary Pollock Mozingo2405 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gayla Bullard Vermillion1705 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
George Douglas Jones2314 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
George Edward Gooding2702 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
George Edward Gray1209 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
George Lee Jenkins2103 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
George Lee Jenkins2103 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
George M. Manning1607 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
George Raymond Keyes1605 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
George Roberson Jones2300 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
George Thomas Horner1902 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
George W. Holloway1204 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Gerald Martin Fox2102 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Geraldine Wiggins Deaver1508 Surry Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gertrude Lorraine Greene3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gilbert James Fltecher2212 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gina Justice MacKey1602 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ginger I. Brock1609 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Glen David Stalnaker1611 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Glenda Benson Smith3110 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Glenda Lewis3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Glenda Mcdaniel Oliver3015 Johnson Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Glenda Rose Barnes1304 Par Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Glenn Alton Spence2108 Michelle Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Glenn Arthur Espinoza1303 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gloria Andrews Davis1207 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gloria Ann Wadsworth1602 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gloria Ingram Miller2400 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gloria Jean Hart1211 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gloria Jean Parker2402 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gloria Renea Brewer1509 Perry Park Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Gloria S. Pearson1905 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gordon Earl Lucas1751 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gordon Randolph Kelley1801 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Graham H. Knott1214 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Gregory Lee Kennedy3126 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Greyson Steven Smith1610 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gwendolyn Fussell Gobble1311 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gwendolyn Givens Anderson3224 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gwendolyn Jo Cox Howell2159 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Gwendolyn Tien Rose Lapas1209 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Habtamu Charles Bagwell1900 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Hailey Claire Howard2301 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Halle Kiara Torrencee1203 W Highland Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Haniya Raedawn King2314 Corey Court, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Hannah Elizabeth Seay1702 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Hannah Page Bekerman1704 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Hans Peter Bluhm2112 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Harrison Blake Dudley1202 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Harry Fred Love1204 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Harvey Gene Anderson1306 Par Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Hattie Laura Cox3202 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Hattie Mae Connor2304 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Hazel Bradshaw Sult2111 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Hazel Christine Phillips1505 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
Heath Moseley Hill2203 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Heather Correll Elden1902 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Heather Grady Matthews1804 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Heather Shaw Mintz1407 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Heber Michael Adkins2200 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Helen G. Dillen2903 Colonial Circle, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Helen Marie Kittrell1109 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Helen Williams Branch1605 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Helga Gretschmann Jones1602 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Henry Cory Paderick1509 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Henry Devon McLean1202 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Herbert Earl Cooke1103 Perry Woods Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Herbert Ingram Spear1603 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Herbert Rudolph Dudley1401 Surry Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Herbert Rudolph Dudley1401 Surry Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Herbert Taylor Sugg2104 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Herley Mae Whitfield1911 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Herman Adams Morris2201 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Herman Earl Harper1200 Worthington Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Hilary Grace Raney2309 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Hilda Deriese Graham2210 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Hilda Grace Royal3226 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Holden Ty Killinger1903 Holding Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Hollis Dennis Hill1201 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Holly Juliana Holder1902 Essex Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Holly Sykes Laroque1501 Surry Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Hope Rene Bullock2204 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Horace Laverne Smith1412 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Hoyett Lee Almond2503 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Hoza Latharso Nowlin2206 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Hugh Owen Wentz1300 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Hunter Chase Howard2301 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Hyman Stadiem1109 Margaret Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Ikechukwu Eric Ibegbu1802 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ilya Mark Sarasohn1613 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
India Gabrielle Edmondson3303 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Irene Isler2202 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Irene Tomlinson Jones1906 York Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Irwin Terrell Lovick2000 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Isis Lechelle Bond3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Iyiannah Collier2305 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jack McCowan2403 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jack Stacy Boone1910 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jackie Nina Sutton2323 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jackson Lewis Sullivan1900 Sedgefield Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jackson Seipp Perry1208 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jackson Thomas Crocker2310 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jacob Adam Best1101 W Highland Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jacob Allen Parrott1608 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jacob Vincent Turner2604 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jacqueline Cox2305 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jacqueline Joyner Elmore2103 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jacqueline Marie Washington1613 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jacques Clifton Passailaigue1107 Parrott Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jaimie Marie Sprill2114 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jalen Malik Jones1204 Ruffin Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jalesa Janay Smith1412 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jalise Ethelle Cochran1411 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jamaal Malik Dryden2109 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jamaiqua Hairston3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James Archer Alston1614 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James Bradley Inthalansy3300 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James C. Wilkins2323 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James Carstarphen Purnell2101 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James Creech Herring1704 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James Darryl Kee1906 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James Derl Walker1905 Stewart Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
James Dexter Williams3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James E. Brock3222 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James Earl Tucker1401 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
James Eddward Price1212 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
James Edward Casper2109 Michelle Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James Edward Godfrey1904 Pawnee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James Frederick Register1705 Sunset Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James Herbert Greene1709 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
James L. Edwards3150 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James Lawrence Aycock1400 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
James Lee Cox2315 Baxter Lane, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James Leon Loftin1603 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James Liston Pressly1202 Ruffin Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James Scott Crocker2310 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James Scott Faulkner3304 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James Stockton Perry1208 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
James Tyler Herring1704 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
James Tyndall Davis1708 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jamette Renee Garrett1500 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jan Williams1907 Holding Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jana Wilder Miller1209 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jane M. Adams2207 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jane Tripp Lanier1402 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jane Williams Hobbs2200 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Janessa Joy Hendrix2000 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Janet Howard Herring1704 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Janet Lee Parson1904 Eleanor Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Janet Leigh Bennett2209 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Janet Miller2314 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Janet Tillman Grady2403 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Janice Burnette Hendrix1704 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Janice Ruth Wilson1209 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Janie Elaine Morton1801 Sedgefield Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jasmine Kasheena Mitchell3107 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jason Alan Hurley1305 Perry Park Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jason Alan York2204 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jason Barker Perry3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jason Seth Kops2193 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jason Thomas McKnight1407 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jauan Patterson Cochran1411 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jay Stuart Koonce1300 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jaylin Shamari Parham1800 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jayne Anne-mckinney Athey1214 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jazmine Nicole Webster3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jean Deloris Marshburn1606 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jean Harris1907 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jean Kienast Culbreth2107 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jean Parris Brinnel2164 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jean Sutton2300 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jeanne O. Pratt1303 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jeannette Arendell Parrott1202 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jeannette Marie King3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jeb Steward Griffin2901 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jedon Rhem3013 Johnson Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jeffery Eric Sarault2301 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jeffrey Allen Balknight1805 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jeffrey Allen Suggs1214 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jeffrey L. Long1916 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jeffrey Lee Bockert2503 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jennie A. Graves1701 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jennie Lynch3304 Evelyn Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jennifer Canady Holleran1901 Stewart Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jennifer Erin Barnette2310 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jennifer Lee Bell1914 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jennifer Lynn Johnson1212 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Jennifer Rouse Henderson3301 Jennifer Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jenny Byrd Thomas1704 Sunset Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jenny Williams Rhodes1100 Oriental Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jentry Jamison Hawkins Albritton1901 Pawnee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jeremiah Isaiah Anderson3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jeremy Lynn Jones1600 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jeremy Neil Whitfield2185 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jermaine Deshawn Hall3300 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jerome Augustus Powell2204 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jerome Jamel Vaughn2010 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jerome Louis Percell1906 Pawnee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jerry Andrew Davis2317 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jerry B. Crisp3302 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jerry Herman Smith3110 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jerry Morgan2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jess Lee Edwards1707 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jesse Kennedy Rayner1808 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jesse Robert Jones1906 York Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jessica Adkins Tyndall2158 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jessica Barwick Murphy1703 Sunset Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jessica Chatman Edwards2111 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jessica Dove Stanley3217 Jennifer Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jessica Howell Flewwellin1208 Meadowood Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jessica J. Shimer1603 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jessica Loftin Powell1907 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jessica M. McLean1202 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jessica May Schulz1105 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jessica Renee Murrell2330 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jessica Shavon Wilson2310 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jessica Tara Jackson2306 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jessie Elizabeth Edmundson1908 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jessie Smith Scott3119 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jimere Isaiah Summers3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jimi Hill Pope1907 Stewart Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jimmy Andrew Shaver2102 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jimmy Daniels Cousins1701 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jimmy Earl Jones3217 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jimmy Franklin Cochran1411 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jimmy Ned Shivar Person1210 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jimmy Rachel Strickland2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Joan G. Joyner2002 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Joan Rice Broadway1908 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joan Templeton Perry1208 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Joan Tripp Lanier1508 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Joann Hardy Brown3300 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joanna Marie Rose1805 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joanna Wolicki-Shannon1108 Walker Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jocelyn Waters1212 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jodi Lynne Korthase2200 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jody Lee Clark2329 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jody Small Hill1905 Pawnee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joe Exum2106 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joel Fredrick Oliver1405 Surry Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Johan Mari-Aviles1901 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Albert Adkins1207 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Albert Janiszewski1700 Oxford Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Belous Leach2401 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John C. Hardy1713 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Cicero Hewitt2316 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Curtis Reynolds1901 Sedgefield Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Harrison Smith1907 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
John Harvey McNairy1300 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
John Ian Garrett1500 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
John Joseph Cioffi1202 Barbara Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
John Kirollos1804 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Lee Stucker1704 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Michael Jones2405 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Michael Stout1305 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Osborne Herlong1212 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
John Parker Goforth1606 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Patrick Exum2109 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Paul Hendrix1704 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Phillip Garrett1500 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
John Pierce Marshall1706 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Randolph Parker2300 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Reuben Webb1612 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Ricky Clements2154 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Roderick Goodman1505 Surry Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Russell Telford1301 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
John S. Hunter3224 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Shimer1603 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Steven Lapas2200 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Wesley Smith1411 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John Whitaker Powley1206 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
John William Ellis2106 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
John William McPhaul1900 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
John William McPhaul1900 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Johnnee Clarkin Rice1607 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Johnnie A. Whitfield1911 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Johnnie Dixon Farrow3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Johnnie Edward Hardy1903 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Johnny Earl Waters2504 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Johnny Lee Canup1409 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Johnny Lee Larry2318 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jolene Grugan Shiffler1700 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jon-Carlos Diaz Torrencee1203 W Highland Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jonathan Cameron Bain1910 York Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jonathan Colin Middleton Brown1102 Woodberry Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jonathan David Hoover1800 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jonathan David Jones1207 Barbara Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jonathan Lee Suggs1202 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jonathan Mark Herring1201 Worthington Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jonathan Mcdaniel Tribula1900 Stewart Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jonathan Phillip Mayo1301 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jonathan Stanley Heath3313 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jonathon Louis Sargeant1105 Margaret Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Jone Long Sugg2104 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joni Lynn McRae2506 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jordan Evans1906 Eleanor Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Jordan Heith Harrison1609 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Jordan Ross van Dyke1904 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joseph Brooks Barrett1506 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Joseph Charles Smithers2312 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joseph Daniel Spear1603 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Joseph Edward Agsten2202 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joseph Edward Lane1207 Ruffin Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Joseph Eugene Turnage2108 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joseph George Plasky1802 Windsor Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joseph Mcclain Tyson1608 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joseph Patrick Johnson2155 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joseph Saracino1501 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Joseph W. Likar1105 Meadowood Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Joshua Allen Waida2103 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joshua Denzel Morgan1408 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joshua Everette Shivar2103 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joshua Gram Spear1603 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Joshua Randall Rose1805 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joshua Ryan Hall3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joshua Ta'von Starkey2310 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joshua Todd Robinson2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Josiah John Corrigan1803 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joy Dell Paradis1900 Oxford Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joy Westbrook Shortell1217 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joyce Ann Jones2316 Corey Court, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joyce D. White3232 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joyce Edwards Elmore3302 Evelyn Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joyce Leveda James1308 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joyce Nicole Hawley2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joyce Perry McDaniel1206 Barbara Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Joyce Sauls Waters1212 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joyce Tripp Byrd2207 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Joyce Wooten Witherington1202 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Juan R. Aviles-Morales1901 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Juanita Murphy Larry2318 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Juanita Rasberry1402 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Judith Briley Brown1712 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Judith Kasofsky Jester2402 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Judith Mills Blackwell2340 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Judith Olsen Jones1500 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Judith Stanley Fletcher1202 Meadowood Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Judith W. Ellis2106 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Judy Becton Baker3310 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Judy Boyd Ferguson1501 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Judy Martin1213 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Julia Elaine Smith2714 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Julia Scott Sanders1706 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Julian James Sneed3118 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Juliana Patricia Saracino1501 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Juliet Nansamba Barnes1205 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Juliet Smith Barrus1100 Walker Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
June Shaw Cummings1611 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Junious Wallace Smith1615 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Junius Lee Thornton3125 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Justin Ahmad Holloway1204 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Justin Bradley Carter2105 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Justin Charles Morgan1204 W Highland Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Justin George Adams2207 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Justin Lee Willoughby1900 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Justin Lucas McCowan2403 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Justin Mclawhorn Shimer1603 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Justin Tyler Dalton Ange1600 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Justina C. Ogbaugo3215 Jennifer Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kadesha Lawuan Brown1703 Windsor Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Johnson1203 Worthington Place, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
Kaleb David Dixon1911 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kanesha Jones3232 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kareen Dawson Windley1203 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Karen Ann McCowan2403 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Karen C. Lee1608 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Karen Gaye Rouse1605 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Karen Gissel Keck-Salgado1802 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Karen Mccoy Bryan1109 Walker Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Karyn Leigh Killinger1903 Holding Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Kasey Durham3305 Evelyn Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kashia Rhenita Redding2205 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Katena Elaine Cherry2500 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Katherine Ayres Griffith1703 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Katherine Cottle Harrell2304 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Katherine Hickok Tucker1401 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Katherine Quattlebaum Harper2303 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Katherine Thomas Winstead1800 Windsor Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kathleen Corey1609 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kathleen Marie Diamond3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kathleen Stickel Bockert2503 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kathryn Bowen Thutt1603 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kathryn Caroline Suddreth1704 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kathryn Courtney Bunn2400 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kathryn Kelley Gilmore1301 Perry Park Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Kathryn Temple Turner2104 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Katie Harding Jones2300 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Katie Stout Langston1403 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Katrina A. Thomas3311 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Katrina Arrington Crossen2201 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kaye Gore Prince1708 Windsor Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kayla Brooke Mooring1912 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Kayla Malila Peele2207 Hull Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kayola Richardson2114 Michelle Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Keaira Lewis Murrell2121 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kecia Kowana Torrencee1203 W Highland Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Keena Franklin Warren3204 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Keewon Clayton Dunn3302 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Keiona Monay Howard2310 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Keith Mitchell Spence3004 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Keiven Dewayne Kirk3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kelley Holton Marshall1706 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kelli Barefoot Stroud1200 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Kelly Lynn Bradshaw2204 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kelly Shirley Jarman1214 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Kelly Williams Bluhm2112 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kemariel Devante' Williams2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kenda Lewis Gusme2173 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kendrea Denise Williams1409 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kenith Glenn Lewis2173 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kennedy Nicole Sullivan1900 Sedgefield Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Kenneth Darden Vause1203 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Kenneth Earl Whitfield2318 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kenneth Earl Williams1409 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kenneth Elwood Davenport1203 Woodberry Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Kenneth Franklin Tyndall1202 Woodberry Road, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
Kenneth Kasprzyk3134 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kenneth Lee Johnson1203 Worthington Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Kenneth Michael Hodges2310 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kenneth Raye Barnes1205 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kenneth Russell Faulkner1214 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Kent Douglas Henderson1205 Woodberry Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Kenyatta Hood1202 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kerry Dixon Henning1904 Essex Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ketcher R. Sutton3300 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kevan Morrell Sheppard1204 Ruffin Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kevin Michael Zoltek2000 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kiantay Niangilo Merritt1201 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kiara Kilwanna Wiggins3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kimberly Bennett Edwards1906 Holding Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Kimberly Dawn Donovan1801 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kimberly Elizabeth Baker2137 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kimberly Frances Turnage3149 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kimberly K. West1702 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kimberly Moore Brown1502 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kimberly Pollock Whitley1805 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kimberly Rushing Best1101 W Highland Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Kimberly Russell Manning1607 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kimmathy Jadaun Jones3232 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kimolin Nicole Gibson3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kirby Elizabeth Ballard2305 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kirk Durso1214 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Kristen Alicia Grady1912 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Kristi Dean Walsh2165 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kristian Zeporia Cobb2306 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kristine Linette Keenan1800 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kyla Monay McIver2102 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kyle D. Cogdell2005 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kyle Davis Turik1902 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kyle Richard Glover1413 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Kylette Pentecost Sutton1904 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Lafayette Sutton2107 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lakeisha Antoinette Kilpatrick2400 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lakeitha Montrela Murphy2010 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Lam Nguyen2207 Hull Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lamar Andre Arnold1402 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Lamar Denzel Rouse3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lamont Antonio Griffin2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lannis Eugene Smith3145 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Larry Bruce Parson1904 Eleanor Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Larry Donell Corbitt2200 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Larry Eugene Lynch3304 Evelyn Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Larry Eugene Morris2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Larry Jerome Thomas2305 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Larry Vester Bell2303 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lasheika Shanelle Becton2902 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Latandria Rockelle Jones2335 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Lateshia Lloyd Super3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Latonia Sherece Rouse1500 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Latonya Griffin Smith1412 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Latora Lewis1800 Windsor Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Latoya Shanise Moore3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Latressa Timeka Renee Cobb3311 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Latrevette Deresse Alston2105 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Laura Jones Clark2002 Sedgefield Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Laura Lane Jackson3100 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Laura Lee Spence1102 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Laura Murphy Stewart1401 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Laura Shatley McPhaul1900 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Laura Taylor Pressly1906 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Laura-Mae Jackson Loftin1603 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Laurel Anderson Sargeant1105 Margaret Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Lauretta Joyner1906 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Laverne Brown Powell1501 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Laverne Voss Burks1703 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lavet Jujuan Faggins3308 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lawrence Ellis Hill2203 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lawrence Eric Oliver3015 Johnson Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lebaron Fitz2321 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Leigh Antoinette Patterson1900 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Leigh Fitzgerald West1702 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Leigh-Ann Marie Dudley1202 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Leland Dawson1503 Surry Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lena Smith Leach2401 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lendell Fields Wayne1304 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Lenell Smith Miller2314 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lenora Kirk McMahon1711 Windsor Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lenwood Lee Reeves3140 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lenwood Morris Murphy1703 Sunset Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lenzie Sutton3210 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Leon N. Windley1203 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Leonard Douglas Barnes1304 Par Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Leonard Lord Elden1600 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Leroy Oneal Williams1101 Oriental Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Leslie Dodson Worthington1711 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Leslie Jarmon3309 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Leslie W. Cobb1210 Ruffin Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lessette Dove Kornegay2712 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lester Eric Lipford2315 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Levon Rasberry1402 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Lewellyn Davis Bradshaw3002 Johnson Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lidia Reid Guzman2801 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lilia Esther Bolster1205 Worthington Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Lillian Arendell Parrott1202 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Lillian Hartsell Stainback1211 Meadowood Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Lillian Xibao Lapas3153 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Linda Carol Williams2708 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Linda Dalby Stegbauer1407 Surry Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Linda Davis Murrell2904 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Linda Dickens Kilpatrick1208 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Linda Faye Lewis2173 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Linda Gillam Clark1911 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Linda Huggins King1701 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Linda Jackson Edwards1909 Stewart Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Linda Miles Summers2307 Baxter Lane, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Linda Murray3017 Johnson Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Linda Nelson Manuel1606 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Linda Sharleen Amyette2400 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Linda Sraver Smith1907 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Linda Toler Jones1908 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Lindsay Ann Corrigan1803 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lindsay Walters Jones2300 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lindsey Smith1301 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lingenia Dorothia Grandy3228 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Linwood Hugh Pollock1905 Holding Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Lionel Stapleford1807 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lisa Charmayne Simmons3232 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lisa Duane Horner1902 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lisa Thompson2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lisa Thompson Stalnaker1611 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lizzie Mae Peebles2204 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Lois Heath Herring3136 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Loretta Guinn Paradis1900 Oxford Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Loretta Williams Lanier1200 Barbara Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Lorie Mechell Lewis3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lorraine Battle Hardy1105 Perry Woods Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Louise Cherry Mauck1502 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Luan Elizabeth Lawson1203 Worthington Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Lucas Todd Voth1201 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lucy Lorene Collins2200 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Luis Francisco Guzman2801 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Luz Juliana Barahona2201 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Lyman Earl Blount1202 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lyndon Forrest Fuller1305 Ridge Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lynetta Faye Powell2179 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lynn Gay Crawford1503 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Lynne Marie Deepe1300 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lynwood Clifton Turner1914 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Lyric Alexis Parks1704 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mable Kittrell1902 Oxford Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
MacKenzie Payne Brown1609 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
MacKenzie Ruth Pope1907 Stewart Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Mack Daniel Dixon2307 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Maleka Alexus Williams3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Malik Dante Turner1203 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Manuel Christopher Lopez3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Marcia Denise Hart1211 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Marcia Wasson Stout1305 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Margaret Ann Afarian1705 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Margaret Ann Barwick2204 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Margaret Caroline Ingalls1103 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Margaret Crosland Hoover1800 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Margaret Denise Pratt3120 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Margaret Ellen Atkinson1903 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Margaret Hillen Cato2105 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Margaret Maroules Thorpe2160 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Margaret Ousnamer Rogers1602 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Margaret Taylor Perry1902 Holding Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Margaretha Bell Williams3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Margie Christine Ellison3125 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Margie Croom Coley1504 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Margo Gorham Garner2304 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Maria Adrianna Grady1912 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
Maria Estela Kennedy1803 Marshburn Circle, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Marian Bynum Jones2113 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Marian Costella Holloway1204 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Marie A. Croom2012 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Marie Cheek2313 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Marie Paramore Gerrans1806 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Marilyn Wright Pollock1221 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Marion Ginman Classen2007 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Marion Louise Wilson2304 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Marion Parnell West1207 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Marion R. Dunn2906 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mark Alan Kirollos1804 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mark Allen Woods3121 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mark Ashley Hill2700 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mark Edward Henning1904 Essex Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mark Jefferson Hale1206 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Mark Vaughn Moore2107 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Marsha Jean Blount1604 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Martha Creech Morris2201 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Martha Louise Clapp1208 Ruffin Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Martha Parrott Aycock1400 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Martha Susan Herring2309 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Martha Whitley Smith1602 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Martin Luther Askew1706 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Marvel Swindlehurst Turik2105 Michelle Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Marvin Earl Williams1704 Windsor Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Abigail Hill Means1101 Walker Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Mary Alexandra Kelley1801 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Alice Gilbert1903 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Alma Grimard2705 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Anderson Riddick1601 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Antwine McComb3135 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary B. French3220 Jennifer Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Bell Collins2303 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Blount-Edwards1701 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Bradham Rouse1513 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Mary Broussard Hosea2001 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Bruton Miller3307 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Byrd Henderson1205 Woodberry Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Mary Catherine Pharo1303 Ridge Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Crews Whaley1504 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
Mary Duncan Dawson1503 Surry Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary E. Kirkland2132 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Ella Smith1405 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Ellison Turner1914 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Frances Bryant1902 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Mary Graham Love1204 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Hawkins Parker1703 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Holder1507 Perry Park Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Mary Joe Harrison2307 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary K. Jones3010 Johnson Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Kincaid Rouse1701 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Mary L. Lawson3217 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Linda Gorham3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Linton Smith Kops2193 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Mcrae Dale Parrott1608 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Page H. Whitley1107 Walker Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Mary Parrott Jones2209 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Philyaw Lee2112 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary Ranson Mills1700 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary S. Bartholomew2102 Michelle Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mary S. Stroud1200 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Mary Scott Manning1201 Worthington Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Mary Sue Deepe1300 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Maryland Patricia Jones2317 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mathew Ray Godwin1910 Sedgefield Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Matthew Gabriel Espinoza1303 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Matthew Lennox Hodge2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Matthew Ray Streeter1400 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Matthew Scott Sullivan1900 Sedgefield Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Matthew Travis Baker3158 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Matthew Warren Riddick1601 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Matthew William Brown1609 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Maureen Garcia Cogdell2005 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Maurice Baskerville Tanner1507 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Maurice W. Brown2308 Corey Court, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
McCora Sharome Boyd2902 Clayton Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Meagan Leigh Koonce2604 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Melanie Uhland Morgan1204 W Highland Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Melba Hill Lovick2000 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Melissa Anne Marshburn2307 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Melissa Arcino Jones2214 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Melissa Creech Paderick1509 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Melissa Emma Nguyen2207 Hull Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Melvin Douglas Kilpatrick1208 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Meredith Nicole Carlyle3308 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mervyn Robert Smith1909 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Michael Aaron Williams1100 Oriental Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Adrian Thomas1602 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Allen Riddick1601 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Anthony Connor2304 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Anthony Jones3109 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Antwan Jenkins1205 W Highland Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Michael Bickett Shivar1802 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Brian King1701 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Dean Robinson1400 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Ernest Hartford1219 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Eugene Nelson1210 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Michael Francis Sell1206 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael George Picard1902 Eleanor Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Graddy Johnson1303 Perry Park Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Michael Gregg Wiggins1705 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Hudson Conner1213 Ruffin Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Jeffrey Hite1509 Perry Park Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
Michael Jermaine Koonce2404 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Oaks Roberson1208 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Ray Bain1910 York Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Reid Martin2106 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Michael Saunders Mallard1702 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Sean Farmer2308 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Skinner Canady3301 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael Stvenson Thomas1704 Sunset Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michael W. Jarman1214 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Michael William Afarian1705 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michaela Lane Wade Martin2106 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Michele Barnes Jones1110 Margaret Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Michele Lynn Stevens Greene1709 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Michelle Carol Cooper1300 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Michelle Grenier Hughes1211 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Mikal Alise Burke1203 Barbara Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Milanie Michelle Wade2202 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mildred E. Nobles2200 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mildred Jones-Wynn1707 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mildred Mae Tyson1608 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Millard O'neil Hughes3148 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Milton Dale Warner2102 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Milton Dale Warner1408 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Milton Dale Warner2102 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Min Feng Chen2403 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ming Hua Wu2403 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mitchell Wayne Smith3306 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mohamed Taher Alhidami1303 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Mollie Culbreth Conner1511 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Mollie Marcia Roberts1202 W Highland Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Molly Katherine Riddick1601 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Monica Koonce Clark1911 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Monica Williams2204 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Morgan Finch Delaney1906 Sedgefield Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Morgan Jarman Maresh2903 Clayton Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Morgan Phillips Lane1207 Ruffin Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Morgan Ray Edwards1906 Holding Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Myesha Kierra Rouse2204 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Myles Cj Moye2316 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Naja Cox Bell2501 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nakisha Lakim Brown-Percell1906 Pawnee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nancy Barnes Agsten2202 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nancy Carter Gilmore1304 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nancy Christine Vander Schaaf2903 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nancy Coston Barwick1908 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Nancy Dedrick Keel1707 Sunset Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nancy Fordham Hale1206 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Nancy Gertrude Paul1904 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nancy Scogin Boyles1910 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Nancy Summerlin Goodson2803 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nannette Wooten3209 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Naomi H. Jenkins1704 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Nasheema Sharice Canady3206 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Natasia Quanee' Wooten3209 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nathan I. Garner2304 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nathan Templeton Perry1605 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nathan Thomas Paris1403 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Nathaniel Dwayne Harper-Harris3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Nayna Ashokkumar Uppin3108 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Neaven Chance Minott1207 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nedra Elizabeth Gooding2702 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nekila Lowarn Myers1803 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nell Dail Patrick2406 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nell Tyndall Pratt1001 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Neta Suggs Street2302 Corey Court, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nicholas Jordan Stark2104 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nico Luter1204 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nicole Ashley Durham3305 Evelyn Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nicole Lynn Stewart3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nicole Swain Moore1302 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nina Contrice Thomas2902 Colonial Circle, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nina W. Griffin3305 Jennifer Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nita Day Bell2303 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Noah Barwick Seay1702 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Noelle M. Nelson1910 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Nola Dean Tyndall1202 Woodberry Road, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
Nora Stokes Stokes2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Norma Mcmillen Daniels2308 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Norris Oneil King1905 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Nya Serai Peoples2202 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
Okinma Shirelle Mclean Ingram3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Olive Hairston Wingate2205 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Oliver Twister Whitfield1905 Oxford Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Oscar Greene1110 Walker Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Paige Beasley Taylor1803 Sunset Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Pam E. M. Westbrook2306 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Pamela Ann Peoples2202 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Pamela Diane Carlisle3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Pamela Mallard Williams1802 Sedgefield Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Pamela Mason Goforth1606 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Pamela Moody Sugg1900 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Pamela Speller2805 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Pansy Britton Hooker3300 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Parker White Edwards2105 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Patience Jonevia Stevens3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Patrice Annette Pompey1207 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Patrice Antionette Starkey2310 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Patricia Ann Parker2316 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Patricia Ann Wilson1606 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Patricia Beshere Bizzell1700 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Patricia Bystry Kasprzyk3134 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Patricia Denise Kittrell1109 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Patricia Hines Vause1203 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Patricia Hobbs Howard1703 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Patricia Lee Jenkins1212 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Patricia Louise Smith1907 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Patricia May Brooks2208 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Patricia Mcgown Rockenhauser1612 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Patricia Newman Burrus1601 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Patricia Roberts Davis2209 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Patricia Ruth McMillan2904 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Patricia Tyndall Deters1706 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Patrick Thomas Holleran1901 Stewart Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Patsy Kay Seymour3130 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Patsy White Thompson1613 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Paul Bradley Corey1609 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Paul Leon Chused1700 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Paula Alcock Hollowell1208 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Paula Anne Thomas1200 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Paula Graycen Stanley1911 Pawnee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Paula Gryder Jarman1106 Oriental Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Pearlene Head3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Pearlie Jean Ragin2305 Baxter Lane, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Peggy Ann Wade2303 Corey Court, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Peggy Chrisco Goins2111 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Perry Lee Miller3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Peter Robins Watson1904 York Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Phil Snead Sanders1706 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Philip Calvin Jones2317 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Philip E. Garrison1910 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Phillip Edward Smith1602 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Phillip Glenn Batten1605 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Phyllis Renee Davis2325 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Plato Collins Barwick1908 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Pradeep Subramoniam Arumugham1900 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Precious Emma Whitfield2318 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Preecha Bhotiwihok1910 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Preston Hall3300 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Preston Jordan1210 Meadowood Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Prince Elijah Muhammad1205 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Priscilla Purcell Christian2703 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Quadem Ranel Bryon Hooker2502 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Quadrick Rayshon Dozier2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Quang Thanh Huynh1607 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Quanisha Denise Parks3208 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Quashon Demayne Sutton3304 Evelyn Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Quenstella Evanvant King3002 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Quentin Vernondo Jones2113 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rachel White Parrish3131 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Raeburn Hume Miles3003 Johnson Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rahshina Denise Kilpatrick3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ralph Earl Culbreth2107 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ralph Lane3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Ralph Lee Cox1108 Parrott Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Rameshkumar Madhubhai Vasoya2318 Corey Court, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ramon Deandre Jones3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ramona Courie Kirkman1400 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ramona Joy O'Neal3155 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Randal Keith McCarter2103 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Randolph Clark1308 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rashed Taher Alhidami1307 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Raven Elise Fisher1911 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Raven Joyner Edwards2105 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ray Joseph Bouzigard2000 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Ray Sinclair Barbre1205 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Raye Cannon Shimer2315 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Raymond Brown1606 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Raymond Lee Holder1902 Essex Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rebecca Anne Worthington2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rebecca Carol Gunn2406 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Rebecca Coffey Darst1207 W Highland Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Rebecca Day Smithers2312 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rebecca Pearson Holmes2207 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rebecca Peeler Barbre1205 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Rebecca Shaver Johnson1903 Stewart Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Rebekah Sheppard Stark2104 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Reekitta Brunton Deaver2313 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Regina Denise Claxton1602 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Regina Grant Jackson2308 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Regina Miller Branch2314 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Reginald Bryant1902 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Reilly Patrick Holleran1901 Stewart Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Remona Canady Blount1202 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Remona Shelley1206 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Renee Christine Herlong1212 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Renee Estelle Armanie1907 Oxford Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Renee Stroud Davis3127 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Retha Ann Langley2127 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rhonda Ann Childs3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rhonda Faye Barwick1702 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rhonda Gail Forrester1202 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rhonda McNeil2107 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rhonda Prezioso Carter2003 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rhonda Stroud Griffin2901 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard Basili3222 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard Benjamin Luciano2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard Charles Barmore2103 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard Daniel Dodd1909 Essex Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard Earl Hargett2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard Earl Teach2500 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard Edward Bogan1802 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard Frederic Landis1709 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard Harold Kornegay1502 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Richard Jason Trull2209 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard Jones Archie1710 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard Lamar Henderson2805 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard Lee Thompson2205 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard Martin Hughes1211 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Richard Mizelle3104 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Richard Ormond Croom2704 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard S. Huneycutt1604 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard Theodore Clark2002 Sedgefield Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard Vance Braxton1512 Surry Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard Wayne Lewis3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Richard Wayne Rouse1605 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rick Alan Anderson2102 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Rickelle Lamerical Roach2005 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ricky Earl Roach2005 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ricky Earl Roach2005 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ricky Karl Poole2008 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Riley Parrish Hoffman1801 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robbin Cassandra Dean2312 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robert Ashley Merritt1914 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Robert B. Goins1604 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robert Bartlett Dance2107 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robert Cato2105 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robert Charles Cirbus2341 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Robert Garland Lanier2106 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robert Glen Hardee2701 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robert Haywood Hosea2001 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robert Hugh Brown1712 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robert J. Jeffcott2112 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robert Joseph Carroll2001 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Robert Kim Dettrey3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robert Lee Deaver1508 Surry Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robert Leslie Forrester1202 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robert Lyn Tyndall2100 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Robert Moses Deepe1300 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robert Paul Derderian1702 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robert Stuart Skirving1111 Parrott Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Robert Tilden Burrus1601 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robert Ulyses Herbert2103 Michelle Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robert Weston Hazelgrove1310 Par Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robert Whitley1107 Walker Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Roberta Faggins Monroe3308 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robin Mccauley Jones1207 Barbara Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Robyn Ambrose Godfrey1904 Pawnee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Robyn van Dyke1904 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rochelle Lynn Vaccaro3137 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Roderick Charles Powell1501 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Roderick Emmett McSorley1217 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rodney Ja'von Brock1605 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rodney Lee Warren3208 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Roger Allen Byrd3128 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Roger Dan Brown1905 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Roger Dean Evans1301 Par Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Roland Adrien Manny1702 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rona Michelle Koonce2404 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ronald Allen Fletcher1204 Meadowood Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Ronald Arthur Capell2300 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ronald Earl Meadows2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ronald Perry Peace1804 Oxford Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ronnie Frank Miller3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ronnie Gilbert Lane2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ronnie K. Canady3301 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rosa Davis Warren3213 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rosa Miller Lanier2106 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rosalyn Bekerman Yarus1607 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rose Anna Redding2303 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rose Carter Mellette1401 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Roseann Catherine Bradley1909 Eleanor Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ross Philip Pizzuti1608 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Roy Edward Jones2208 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Roy Lee Hooker1608 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ruby Gooding2206 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rudolph Ivey Mintz1205 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Rudolph Ivey Mintz1407 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Rufus Antonio McIver2102 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Russell M. Bartholomew2102 Michelle Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ruth Kuenzli Lingg2105 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Ruth Sobel Anderson2102 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Ruthie Mae Grady1912 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Ryan Christopher Gardner2145 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sabrina Lynn Lasseter2705 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Salasia Monique Scott1203 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sallie Jackson Exum2106 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sally Ann Sell1206 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sally Speight McRae1602 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Samantha Love Rouse1904 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Samir Mohamed Ali2205 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Samona Lissette Graham3217 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Samuel Earl Fisher1100 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Samuel Mcdaniel Cobb2304 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Samuel del Hannah1713 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sandra Bruton Fisher1100 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sandra Dewar Rayner1808 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sandra Elaine Dixon2408 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sandra Grace Hardee2300 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sandra Joy Skirving1111 Parrott Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Sandra L. Braxton1512 Surry Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sandra Snyder Landis1709 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sara Ashley King1216 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sarah Croom Williams2328 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sarah Diane With1903 Sedgefield Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sarah Lineberger York2204 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Sarah Lister Miller2314 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sarah Mitchell Weeks1105 Walker Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Sarah Walker Warner2102 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Scarlett Foster Evans1903 Essex Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Scherrie Y. Hargett2309 Corey Court, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Scott Alan Turik1902 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Scott Allen Stegbauer1407 Surry Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Scott Butler Matthews1804 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Scott Cameron McRae1212 Meadowood Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Scott Moore Leatherwood1504 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Sean Patrick Keenan1800 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Selena Hambrick2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shadecia Janelle Ingram2309 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shakila Devante Washington1604 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shakita Shanay Becton3205 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shaquena Shanelle Swinson3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shardaben Bhanubhai Nakrani2167 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sharedenna Monee Ratliff1100 Margaret Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Sharill Earline Pridgen1302 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sharon Chineta Johnson1210 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sharon Denise Kee1906 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sharon Gaston Clements2154 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sharon Jackson Ervin3230 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sharon Kaye Whitley1613 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sharon Whaley Axelberg2008 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Sharron Rene Lovick3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sharyn Lee Likar1105 Meadowood Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Shatiana Monique Head3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shawn Chatman Whitfield1209 Ruffin Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Shawn Jeffery Howard1213 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shawnea Ruiz2202 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shawnyce Gabrielle Baker3205 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shayna Nicole Smith1411 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shelby Jean Smith2004 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shelby Lou Carlyle2206 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shelley Ann Ibegbu1802 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shenetta Cara Blount3150 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sherry Daughety Smith1909 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
Sherry Davis Tanner2002 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sherry Hall Crocker2310 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sherry Kay Irsik3106 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sherry Pamela Richardson2110 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shirlene Denise Koonce1300 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shirley Alfreda Tilghman2201 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shirley Costello Davis3149 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shirley Louise Dove3012 Johnson Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shoncrea Latese Smith2714 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Shyquon Malik Hooker2502 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sidney Lamont Moore2714 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sierra Ham2209 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Simon Clayton Dunn3302 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sophia Pearl Jenkins2103 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sorita Grant Powell2204 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Spencer Gray Foster1507 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Stacey Anne Mitchell3234 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Stacey Lewis Castelloe2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Stacey Stanley Wiggins1705 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Stanley Glenn Smith3110 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Stanley William Pearson1601 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Stephanie Griffin Williams2305 Corey Court, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Stephanie Lauren Holcomb1403 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Stephen Brian Irvin1906 Essex Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Stephen Carraway1908 Eleanor Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Stephen Edward Marshburn3018 Johnson Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Stephen Rhoda2130 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Stephen Tracy Nance1404 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Steven Dwain Lanier1508 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Steven Garrett Lanier1203 Barbara Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Steven Howard Gower1707 Windsor Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Steven Jeremiah Fisher1100 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Stewart Smith Perry1105 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Stoney Lee Belcher3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Stuart Jay Johnson3137 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Stuart Lee Stroud1200 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Sue Ann Heath2134 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sue Griffin Haddock2202 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sue M. Bain1910 York Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sullivan Elaine Anlyan McRae1212 Meadowood Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Summer Jordan Heath2149 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Summer Mclawhorn Perry1605 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sun Ja Chung McCall2401 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Susan Alexander Gower1707 Windsor Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Susan C. McKnight1407 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Susan Elaine Jarman2312 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Susan Fort Fox2102 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Susan Helena Picard1902 Eleanor Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Susan Nannette Powley1206 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Susan Vernon Long1916 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Susanne Michelle Ballard1216 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Suzanne Louise Watts3132 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sydne Elizabeth Check Allen1603 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sydney Rebecca Herlong1212 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Sylvia Delorse Kilpatrick3219 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sylvia Jones Denise Crowder2336 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Sylvia R. Cooper1912 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Syrina Wimberly1903 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Syvera Latrice Opharrow1605 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Takeema Monay Parker2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tamika Demetruis Bond3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Taneka Sharonce Brown1501 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Tanner Wade Scott1204 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tanya Denise Ebron1405 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Tavoris Arlandro Moore2505 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tedavion Rajadest Mekel Jenkins1205 W Highland Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
Teddy Paul Patrick2203 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Teigha Jan Randolph1907 Holding Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Tekeema Blackwell Parson2307 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tempe Parham Younger1909 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Terah Bain Archie1710 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tereaka Lashonda Alashea Lee1211 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Teresa Hines Younger2206 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Teresa Tyndall Morris1205 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Teri Tabb Connor1209 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Terrence Anthony Thomas2202 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Terrence Dewayne Winborne3220 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Terrence Joseph Thomas1200 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Terrence Joseph Thomas1200 Sweetbriar Circle, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Terrence Maurice Jones2706 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Terri Harrison Rhodes3147 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Terrica Denise Hay2309 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Terry Day Casper2109 Michelle Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Terry James Silver3306 Evelyn Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Terry Lee Brickhouse1907 Essex Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Terry Light Humphrey1308 Par Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Terry Lorraine Gooding3218 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Terry Lynn Jones1500 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Terry Wayne Boyles1910 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Tevin Devon Jenkins1100 Oriental Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tezra Parker Egleton1502 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Thanh H. Dinh1101 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Thelma Wiggins Brimage2306 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Theresa Jones Pressly1202 Ruffin Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Thomas Anthony Pharo1303 Ridge Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Thomas Carlton Younger1909 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Thomas Edgar Shaver2301 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Thomas Gordon Vermillion1705 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Thomas Gordon Vermillion1705 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Thomas Harvey Riley1605 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Thomas Humphrey1308 Par Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Thomas Lee Hollowell1208 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Thomas Ray Cooper1912 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Thomas Roland Paris1403 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Thomas Roy Humphrey3128 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Thomas Russell Thutt1603 Crawford Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Thomas Scott Hill1905 Pawnee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Thomas Sloan Pressly1906 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Thomas Spencer Rouse1513 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Tiffany Hope Shepard1219 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Tilden Louise Mauck1502 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
Timmy Lee Brown2308 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Timon Zakee Davis3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Timothy Edward Smith1301 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Timothy Kevin Oliver3138 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Timothy Louis Dove3217 Jennifer Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Timothy Ray Lanier1402 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Timothy Steven Smith1610 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Titus Maurice Martin2153 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Titus Maurice Martin1107 Margaret Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Tityana Denise Lawson3301 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tiwana Mosley Grant1601 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Todd Fitzgerald Tanner2002 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tonae Lenise Kornegay2005 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Toni Ann Mandich2103 Emerson Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Toni Anthony Jones3302 Jennifer Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tony Chiquita Garner2304 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tony Lee Duehart3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tonya Nelson McCoy3300 Jennifer Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tonya Sumonie Williams3208 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Toreon Yareik Jones3232 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tracy Diane West1207 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Tracy Latriveeta Maye2195 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Travanti Edwards2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Travis Ross Allen1603 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Travis Simons Thompson2110 Michelle Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Travis Syntel Ingram2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Travis Wayne Norris2005 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Treion Deonte Fields2313 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Trekeita Lenae Bowser2405 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Trenae Evette White2109 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tu'Ron Dai'quan Dunn3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tucker Martin Powell1907 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tyler Dean Walsh2165 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tyler Dedrick Keel1707 Sunset Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tyler William Rose1500 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tyquan Elijah Johnson1706 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Tyra Denise Dixon1911 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tyrik Donquez Becton2902 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Tyrone Anthony Mills2311 Susan Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tyrone Julius Parham-Morgan2110 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Tyshaon Davis3236 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Valera Carter Stallings3162 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Valeria Hatch Williams1700 Sabra Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Valerie Ann Streeter1400 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Valice Whitley Mosley1600 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Valton Lee Cox1201 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Van Carlton Huggins1601 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Vanesha Lashaun Daniels3300 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Vanessa Renee Hooker3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Velma Jean Edmondson3303 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Velma Jean Ripke3104 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Vernita Jarman Turnage2108 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Vernon Dean Jones2113 Dallas Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Veronica Newborn3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Vickie Hartel Knott1214 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Vickie Stroud Robinson1400 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Victor Clark Morris1205 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Victoria Davis2104 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Victoria Leigh Haynes1901 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Victoria Martin Hazelgrove1310 Par Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Vincent Russell Lasseter2705 Sheryl Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Viola Ann Parham2110 Sparre Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Virginia Armour Smith1411 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Virginia Dale Roberts2319 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Virginia Lang Llewellyn1301 Ridge Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Virginia Willett Pilson2133 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Vivian Louise Thomas2202 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Vorise Midgette1901 Saint George Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Wade Lawrence Martin1213 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Wakili Moye2316 Villa Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Waled Samir Mohamed Ali2205 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Wallace Lee Younger2206 Hodges Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Walter Daniel Rowland1111 Walker Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Walter Daniel Shannon1108 Walker Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Walter Dunn Laroque1501 Surry Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Walter Earl Bell2501 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Walter Finley Lee1608 Whitehall Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Walter Jay Murphy3166 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Walter Kinsey Speight2319 Baxter Lane, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Walter Richard Killinger1903 Holding Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Wanda Fay James1805 Sedgefield Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Wanda Grissett Conner1209 Meadowood Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Wanda Jenkins Pollock1905 Holding Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Warren Seipp Perry1105 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Wayne Anthony Mallard1713 Windsor Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Wayne Hall2594 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Wayne Harold Rhem3013 Johnson Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Wayne Thomas Jarman1106 Oriental Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Wendi Stainback Howard2301 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Wendy Conway Riley1605 Saint Andrews Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Wesley George Atkinson1903 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Wesley James Bolster1205 Worthington Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Wesley Ryan Maresh2903 Clayton Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Wheeler Coy Carlyle3308 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Wilbert Nathaniel Croom2012 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Wilda Faye Davis2207 Rouse Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Wiley Loren Edwards1803 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Wilford Henry Basden2200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Wilfred Crandall Hitchcock1217 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Wilfred Richardson Jester2402 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Willard Earl Taylor3133 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
William Alfred Gold1907 Stanton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
William Armistead Ferguson1501 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
William Ashley Sult2111 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
William David Stapleford1705 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
William Earl Blount1505 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
William Earl Joyner1906 Hampton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
William Elizabeth Mayo1301 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
William Elott Hilderbrandt3122 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
William Frank Gastmeyer1502 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
William Gaston George2002 Hardee Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
William Hargrave Brown1502 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
William Herman Potter1913 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
William Ivey Jones1110 Margaret Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
William Jefferson Laws1604 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
William Joseph Staup1219 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
William Leo Debruhl1306 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
William Louis Sargeant1105 Margaret Lane, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
William Mark Fussell2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
William Redmond2112 Michelle Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
William Stephen McMahon1711 Windsor Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
William Tyler Whaley1404 Saint James Place, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
William Warren3204 Chris Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
William West Houston1200 Anne Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
William-Kensley Daunte' Sutton2323 Woodview Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Willie Earl Ormond2415 W Vernon Avenu, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Willie Franklin Faggins1211 W Highland Avenu, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Willie Ray Hawkins1707 Dubose Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Willie Reginald Egleton1502 Stockton Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Wilma Robinson Boldt1700 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Wilson Spottswood Archie1710 Cambridge Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Winston Delano Sutton1904 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Yolanda Faith Flemming3309 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Yoshabel Leann Waters1208 Dorcas Terrace, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Yvette Chapman2161 Fox Run Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Yvonne Dunn Little1911 Pawnee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Yvonne M. Bouzigard2000 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC 28501Didn't Vote
Yvonne M. Kasper1304 Airlee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Zachary Holcomb1403 Sutton Drive, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Zane Orrin Miller1902 Pawnee Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Zariea Mishalia Kalamon3200 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Didn't Vote
Zellia G. Dunn3302 Crestwood Drive, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Zoe Katherine Holleran1901 Stewart Place, Kinston, NC 28501Voted
Zoraida Perez3011 Johnson Street, Kinston, NC 28504Voted
Zullene H. Mumford2202 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504Voted



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